Superintendent: Jennifer McConnell - 217-430-6219 TWO SHOWS! Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 9:00 a.m. and Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 1:00 p.m. Provide your own wood chip bedding. Early Entry Deadline: July 22, 2024 Early Entry Fee: $10.00 Late Entry Deadline: July 25, 2024 Late Entry Fee: $20.00 Check-in date: July 26, 2024 Check-in Time: 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Number of head per pen: 2-3 No Pen Fees!! ABGA Judge: TBA Rule 1400: SANCTIONED SHOW RULES: A. Eligibility of Animals i. All goats must be registered in the herd book of a recognized association before date specified by the show. Recognized associations include: a. American Boer Goat Association b. International Boer Goat Association c. Canadian Boer Goat Association ii. Original registration certificates are required, except that a copy of a registration application, stamped with the date received by one of the listed associations, can be accepted for kids less than 3 months of age. Animals over the age of 3 months must have the original registration certificate in hand at time of show. iii. All goats must be appropriately identified and comply with USDA Scrapie Eradication Program Guidelines. Call 1-888-USDA TAG (873-2824) or visit the following website for more information: http://www
B. Show Focus: i. The American Boer Goat Association will accept and permanently record all wins in Shows that have been determined to have met all requirements (as stated below) for ABGA sanctioning. ii. Failure to comply with ABGA Show Rules may result in the loss of future sanctioning and funding, where applicable. iii. Effective June 1, 2011, for shows on or after January 1, 2012, ABGA requires that an ABGA Sanctioned Show Application be submitted to the ABGA office no less that 120 days prior to the show. iv. No show will be sanctioned during the week of the ABGA National Show. C. Purpose: The main focus of ABGA Sanctioned Shows is the genetic improvement of the Boer breed and promotion of the goat industry. D. Entries: i. Any show receiving ABGA sanctioning shall be open to all registered Boer goats that meet the requirements of Rule 1400, section A(i) as referenced above. Show Representatives may use their discretion and have the right to ban an individual if they consider it necessary for the good of the show. ii. There should be no limit on the number of animals that can be entered in a class by an exhibitor, unless the sponsoring show deems this limit necessary. iii. Any show limiting the number of entries in any way must state this in their rules. iv. ABGA sanctioned shows may not require animals to sell in a sale as a condition of participating in the show. v. When the original registration certificates are presented at check-in, registered name, ABGA registration number and tattoos of each animal must be recorded so that they may be displayed on the results that are turned in to the ABGA office. E. Ennobled Herd Book Points: i. Only goats entered under their ABGA registration number and presenting their ABGA Certificate of Registration will be eligible to earn points for their actualplacing in the show as described in the ABGA Criteria for Ennoblement of a Boer Goat. (See Rule 1000, Ennoblement Program) ii. Points for ABGA Sanctioned Shows will be awarded based on the following schedule:
F. Tattoos: All goats must have legible tattoos consistent with the registration certificate or the animal will be disqualified. If an animal is disqualified due to illegible or inconsistent tattoos, all lower placing animals will be moved up in placement. Point winners from each class must have their tattoos read and recorded. The judge will be responsible for ensuring that tattoos are read and properly recorded. The show secretary will be responsible for recording the tattoos and informing the judge as to which point-eligible goats will need to be checked. G. Computing Ages: Birth dates, as listed on the registration certificate, will be used in determining class divisions. In order to calculate the class breaks, take the show date and count back to the birth date to determine the age and the class for the animal. H. Classes: i. All animals must be registered Purebred, Fullblood, or percentage blood Boer goats. Divisions are according to the chart below. ii. Bucks 96.86% and lower are not eligible to be shown. iii. Progeny of fresh does will not be allowed in the ring with their dam. iv. At the discretion of the judge and the superintendent, the animals may be let loose in the ring as a function of judging. v. The Champion and the Reserve Champion classes will be chosen from the firstand second place animals in that division of the show. vi. Divisions will be defined as follows: I. Distance Requirement: i. No two ABGA sanctioned shows may be held within 250 miles of each other on the same particular day, unless agreed upon by the superintendent of both shows. ii. The longevity of sanctioning (oldest) under the same name, at the same location, on the same day will determine the controlling show in cases when the shows are less than 250 miles apart based on the actual physical address of the show facility. iii. ABGA recognized State Fairs, Expos, and Major shows shall retain control of an existing ABGA sanctioned show date over a newly created show or shows that schedule on top of a State Fair, Expo, or Major Show. J. Show Responsibilities: i. It is recommended that the show provide a ring steward to assist in the ring. ii. It is the responsibility of the Show Secretary to have a copy of the ABGA Official Show Rules available at all times in case any questions arise during the course of the show. iii. In addition, the show report must be completed by the Show Secretary, and should be forwarded to the ABGA office within 30 days of the show. The report must include the following: a. Class b. Number of Animals exhibited in the Class c. Each Animal’s Name d. Each Animal’s ABGA Registration Number e. Identifying Tattoos (left and right) iv. Any animal that is not checked in with an ABGA registration certificate will not receive recognition in any ABGA publication or website. Such animal are not eligible for ennoblement points. v. A copy of scheduled classes and applying entity rules must be sent to the ABGA. vi. Changes and/or corrections to the official show results, once they have been turned in to the ABGA office, will require the signature of the Show Secretary and one other show official. K. Exhibitor Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to refrain from presenting any animal owned by the presiding judge with 90 days prior to the show date. L. Show Support System: Upon request, ABGA will provide placing ribbons 1st through 5th and division rosettes to ABGA Sanctioned shows. M. Required Show Classes: Beginning January 1, 2010 the standardized classes for percentage does, Fullblood/Purebred Does, and Fullblood/Purebred Bucks at all non-major shows shall be as follows:
Percentage Does: Class 1: 0 to under 3 months Class 2: 3 to under 6 months Class 3: 6 to under 9 months Class 4: 9 to under 12 months Class 5: Junior Division Champion Class 6: Junior Division Reserve Champion Class 7: 12 to under 16 months Class 8: 16 to under 20 months Class 9: 20 to under 24 months Class 10: Yearling Division Champion Class 11: Yearling Division Reserve Champion Class 12: 24 to under 36 months Class 13: 36 months plus Class 14: Senior Division Champion Class 15: Senior Division Reserve Champion Class 16: Grand Champion Class 17: Reserve Grand Champion
Fullblood/Purebred Bucks: Class 35: 0 to under 3 months Class 36: 3 to under 6 months Class 37: 6 to under 9 months Class 38: 9 to under 12 months Class 39: Junior Division Champion Class 40: Junior Division Reserve Champion Class 41: 12 to under 16 months Class 42: 16 to under 20 months Class 43: 20 to under 24 months Class 44: Yearling Division Champion Class 45: Yearling Division Reserve Champion Class 46: 24 to under 36 months Class 47: 36 months plus Class 48: Senior Division Champion Class 49: Senior Division Reserve Champion Class 50: Grand Champion Class 51: Reserve Grand Champion
Fullblood/Purebred Does: Class 18: 0 to under 3 months Class 19: 3 to under 6 months Class 20: 6 to under 9 months Class 21: 9 to under 12 months Class 22: Junior Division Champion Class 23: Junior Division Reserve Champion Class 24: 12 to under 16 months Class 25: 16 to under 20 months Class 26: 20 to under 24 months Class 27: Yearling Division Champion Class 28: Yearling Division Reserve Champion Class 29: 24 to under 36 months Class 30: 36 months plus Class 31: Senior Division Champion Class 32: Senior Division Reserve Champion Class 33: Grand Champion Class 34: Reserve Grand Champion
OPEN CLASS COMMERCIAL DOE Trophies for classes 52-56 Class 52: 0 to under 3 months Class 53: 3 to under 6 months Class 54: 6 to under 12 months Class 55: 12 to 24 months Class 56: 24 and older
57. WETHERS Classes by weight no more than 10 per class