Superintendent – Mary Ann Bentzinger AMOUNT OFFERED IN THIS DEPARTMENT IS $747.55 Schedule All entries must be made and in place by 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Superintendent will be on hand to receive entries Tuesday, July 23, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Exhibitors must call for ribbons and canned articles between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. the last day of the Fair. All baked entries will be disposed of. Premium checks must be picked up at the Fair office before the end of the Fair. They will not be mailed.
General Rules All entries in this department are subject to General Rules in front of this book. This department will not attempt to sell any article exhibited. The Fair Association will not be responsible for exhibits left in its care; however caution will be taken to prevent loss or damage. All entries must be baked or prepared by the exhibitor. No prepared mixes allowed. No commercial exhibits allowed. All baked entries should be in disposable pans or transferred to cardboard. No glass or metal pans. Judges reserve the right to open any canned goods if deemed necessary. No exhibitor may make more than one entry in any one class.
BREAD Classes 1 - 6 should be in a ziplock bag 1. Loaf of White Bread 2. Loaf of Whole Wheat Bread 3. Loaf of Sourdough Bread 4. Light Rolls – 1/2 Pan 5. Cinnamon Rolls – 1/2 Pan 6. Pecan Rolls – 3 Rolls on a Plate 7. Coffee Cake – With Yeast – Full Pan 8. Coffee Cake – No Yeast – Full Pan
QUICK BREAD All quickbreads should be on a plate or disposable pan, sealed, and in a ziplock bag. 9. Loaf of Fruit Bread – Mini Loaf Pan 10. Corn Bread – Full Pan 11. Biscuits – 3 Biscuits 12. Three Fruit Muffins 13. Miscellaneous Quick Breads
CAKES Cake entries will be limited to one-half cake except class #22. Please put no frosting on cut side of cake. Cakes may be covered or uncovered. 14. * White Angel Food Cake (no icing) 15. * Chocolate Cake 16. * German Chocolate Cake 17. * White Cake 18. * Hickory Nut Cake 19. * Spice Cake 20. * Sunshine Cake 21. * Misc. Cake 22. ** Decorated (real) Cake 23. ** Gingerbread Buildings 24. * Decorated Cupcakes - A creative display, using at least 3 cupcakes
COOKIES Three (3) cookies displayed on a 6” or 7” paper plate, sealed in a ziplock bag (with exception of class #30). 25. Ginger Cookies 26. Sugar Cookies 27. Plain - Oatmeal Cookies 28. Chocolate Chip Cookies 29. Peanut Butter Cookies 30. Decorated Sugar Cookies (may be on a 9” plate uncovered) 31. Bar Cookies 32. Brownies 33. Miscellaneous Cookie
Ribbons for Classes 36 - 65 donated by Lloyd Hoffman in memory of Ardith Clair
All canned entries must be in clear glass jars, labeled permanently with processing date. Accepted dates: July 27, 2023 through July 24, 2024
JELLIES, PRESERVES AND JAM Entries should be half pint jars and processed in hot water bath. No paraffin. 36. Jar of Strawberry Preserves 37. Jar of Blackberry Jelly 38. Jar of Grape Jelly 39. Jar of Miscellaneous Jelly and Jam
CANNED FRUIT – PINT SIZE 40. Jar of Cherries 41. Jar of Pears 42. Jar of Blackberries 43. Jar of Peaches
CANNED VEGETABLES – PINT SIZE 44. Display of Vegetables, four varieties in a display container 45. Jar of Peas 46. Jar of Tomatoes 47. Jar of Green Beans 48. Jar of Corn 49. Jar of Carrots 50. Jar of Beets - pickled or plain 51. Jar of Salsa (2 jars per entry - 1 for display and 1 for tasting)
PICKLES – PINT SIZE 52. Display of Pickled Cucumbers, four kinds in a display container 53. Bread and Butter Pickles 54. Pickled Relish 55. Lime Pickles 56. Sweet Pickles 57. Dill Pickles 58. Miscellaneous Pickled Vegetables (not Cucumbers)
MISCELLANEOUS 59. Grape Juice - in pint or quart jar
Classes 60 - 62: 3 pieces of candy on a 6” paper plate, sealed in a ziplock bag.
60. Homemade Fudge 61. Homemade Divinity 62. Homemade Candy (miscellaneous) 63. Homemade Noodles - on a 6” paper plate, sealed in a ziplock bag 64. Pastry–Best Pie Shell - in disposable aluminum pie pan
President’s Cookie Jar should consist of 2 dozen cookies - 6 different kinds, displayed in a clear container with a large mouth opening and lid to fit. The container may be a part of a larger, themed display if desired
65. **President’s Cookie Jar - for President of Fair